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Optimizing Relationships While Sheltering In Place

Even the best relationships can fray under uncertain and unsettling circumstances. Here's a webinar I conducted to illustrate how the VIA...

A Positive Approach to Stress and Well-Being

Available for enrollment online Lecturer: John Hollway, Associate Dean at Penn Law, Executive Director of the Quattrone Center for the...

Reading, Writing, and Resilience

In the face of a student mental-health crisis, a few colleges are putting wellness into the curriculum The Chronicle of Higher Education...

Reframing Stress As a Positive

Shipley School, Bryn Mawr PA November, 2018 Invited to speak at the Shipley School’s in-service training day to entire faculty. Shipley...

Legal Optimism:

Restoring Trust in the Criminal Justice System Through Procedural Justice, Positive Psychology and Just Culture Event Reviews John...

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